Back in the saddle

I must admit that I haven’t looked at, or even really thought about this blog since my last course in PIDP. I enjoy writing but am t trepidatious about having my thoughts and reflections on the web for the ‘whole world’ to read. I suppose I shouldn’t be that concerned since there seems to be more important things for people to google than my blog on adult education. (If you are curious here a link to the most popular google searches of 2014 (Click here) You’ll notice that my blog is conspicuously left off the list.

I have not taken much post secondary education after I graduated from Douglas College. I don’t even have an undergraduate degree, just my little old diploma in Sign Language Interpreting. This has served me well over the last tens years. I have worked in the post-secondary realm for most of that time. I have interpreted in many undergraduate courses in that time, not to mention upgrading, trades programs and anything else you can think of at the college level. This time in college classrooms has given me a lot of experience in a classroom as an observer. I follow a strict Code of Ethics developed by my professional association (see here if interested) that is why I won’t be talking about any specific examples from my experiences. Yet I have certainly gleaned a lot of interesting information about teaching styles and classroom dynamics. I hope to apply that knowledge to my own developing practices as an instructor and mentor.

I have a few things that will be my focus during this journey:

1. Learn how to be a better mentor to interpreting students
2. Learn how to be a better interpreter for instructors by learning their teaching strategies and methods
3. Build a base on which to grow in the realm of education if I chose to pursue this field

If anyone reads this, I thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little more. I welcome your feedback and discussion about the topics that will come up on my blog. I also welcome any feedback about the blog itself as this is my first foray into this media of expression.

Let the adventure begin, er…

‘Let the adventure…continue!’